Our know-how for your engines
As Distributor and Service Provider of INNIO Waukesha Gas Engines, Inc., we are responsible for providing professional customer service for operators of Waukesha gas engines. 'Maximum customer satisfaction through excellent service' is a central issue of our business philosophy. We are recognized as the competence center for Waukesha in Europe, and as such we have experienced Waukesha-certified technicians, all necessary special tools and up-to-date information on service and maintenance details of all Waukesha engines, including most recent versions. Our service department can handle any repair or maintenance work at our modern facilities.
Take a look at the following pages to get your own impression of our capacity and potential as Waukesha service provider.
Repair and Overhaul
Your one-stop shop …
Our facilities and our experienced specialists ensure the professional execution of service and repair on site as well as complete overhaul of Waukesha engines at our fully equipped workshops.
Workshop I
Waukesha Certified Engine Rebuilding Facility
5.500 m² Workshop space 1.000 m² Office space
We are prepared to provide virtually everything from a single source - from reconditioning of engine components via supply of original spare parts to full commissioning. Our workshops feature all tools and special equipment for the handling of the full range of Waukesha engines. This includes the processing of large engine blocks and crankshafts.
Workshop II
Waukesha Certified Engine Rebuilding Facility
6.000 m² Workshop space 2.300 m² Office space
We are a competent address for any type of engine inspection or overhaul with full consideration of the current engine state, i.e. after initial assessment, the scope of the overhaul is determined in direct consultation with the customer.
You as the owner/operator will decide whether parts shall be reconditioned or replaced at our workshops.
You are looking for an inspection with damage assessment or for an engine overhaul!? Simply contact our Service management.
Custom made for your needs
No matter where your Waukesha engine is used: availability and efficiency are of primary concern. We and our service partners provide the necessary support to meet your demands. Our scope of services is manifold, no matter whether you need an expert for troubleshooting, an offer for a particular periodic service or a full service contract.
We as well as our service partners have the manpower of experienced, highly qualified and Waukesha-certified service technicians who undergo regular training and who are provided with the most current information on all aspects.
Do you want a specific proposal or are there any questions regarding service and maintenance of Waukesha engines? Feel free to contact our Service management.

Real Time Information
Dependable service and support for your Waukesha installation can be assured only on the basis of 100% up-to-date information. Continuous improvement and optimization at Waukesha means the updating of hundreds of spare parts and designations. Tools and procedures are also adapted to current demands. For a competent service partner, this requires regular assessment and updating of all pertinent documents and information.
For our customers and service partners this competence is ensured through:
- Support trough Waukesha-certified personnel
- Regular training in the Waukesha Product Training Center
- for our own staff and
- for our service partners' staff
- Operator training
- Regular product updates and updates of work and service instructions, issued by the Waukesha service department
- Regular updates for new spare parts
- Information exchange with Waukesha engineers working world-wide
- Our close contact with Waukesha
For any further questions and for more detailed information feel free to contact our product and project support.

Product & Project Manager
T: +49 5977 9245-24
F: +49 5977 9245-20
Genuine Parts
Genuine Waukesha Spare Parts
We solely provide genuine Waukesha spare parts. We own the largest inventory of original Waukesha spare parts in Europe.
Why original replacement parts? That way you can be certain that the parts are made from prescribed material and processed to exact original design criteria. Furthermore, specifications for replacement parts - also for older engine versions - are also subject to changes, and we can assure you that we shall provide and use the spare parts in compliance with the latest specifications.
As end users you enjoy another important benefit: Genuine Waukesha replacement parts are covered by substantial warranty terms which we pass on to you on a 1:1 basis.
Do you have any further questions regarding Waukesha replacement parts? Feel free to contact our Customer support, parts and service.
Service Partners
S&L Network

Contact persons
Customer service

Service Management
Stefan Schöne
Dipl.-Ing., Authorized officer, Service Manager
T: +49 5977 9245-21
F: +49 5977 9245-20

Our Team
Customer Service
Service/Spare parts
T: +49 5977 9245-23
F: +49 5977 9245-20
How to find us
Our offices are in the ‘Werk 1’ building of the company August Storm. Please contact the central reception. Using your on-board GPS navigator: To reach our main entrance, enter Spelle ‘Bahnhofstraße 6’. Do not enter our postal address 'August-Storm-Str. 6' as this will lead you to the rear entrance.